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A member registered Feb 22, 2019

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Great game, simple and engaging concept, it has great potential :D Level 9 was exceptionally challenging for me :D
Good work!

Nice game :D The ball sometimes bugged for me and went out of the level, but overall I've had fun playing it. I wish there was more levels and higher difficulty, I've challenged myself to avoid all safety cones and it was really fun!
Good job!

OMG That twist. Love that game. Art is great, gameplay is really interesting and engaging. Overall very good job!

I love the art in this game, its amazing <3
The gameplay starts really slowly, but later becomes very engaging and looking away, even for a fraction of a second can make you being hit :D
Good job! :D 

Great work :D I really like the art in this game, because of its simplicity and nonobviousness. I kinda missed the tutorial at the beginning and wasn't sure where to click to spawn units and move camera, but quickly got the catch of that :D Good job!

I really like the idea of shooting basic attacks, it was really fun to play. I wish I was that good at dodging enemies skills as this red square :D

Great game :D I think you achieved the same addiction and frustration as regular flappy bird had :D It was fun playing it, I managed to get high score of 8, but couldn't get further :D